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The Canadian Federation of University Women was originally established in 1919 in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The movement in Canada was growing and was, in part, a result of Canadian women obtaining the right to vote in federal elections.


In 1990, two very dynamic women, Alma Wilson and Norah Egener put an ad in the Owen Sound Sun Times news paper to announce the first meeting of the Owen Sound CFUW club. Twelve interested women attended that first meeting. Our charter was awarded in August 1991 at the national annual general meeting in Toronto. We were the 135th club in Canada at that time.


Our Constitution was developed with the purpose and goals of the Club: a commitment to the pursuit of knowledge, the improvement of the status of women, and the advancement of human rights. Through the past 30 years, we have strived and succeeded to meet these goals by establishing a scholarship program for young women, promoting lifelong learning, and engaging in advocacy initiatives.

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